EventPlus, Kochi

Feature-rich content and sleek web design to actively market the event-tech platform.

In a nutshell






Kochi, India




Content Research, Content Creation, Content Productization, UX Interface, Web Design, Business Re-Positioning, Short-form Content Marketing

Content Assets

Online Events, Core Features, Event Types, Technologies, Capabilities, Solution features, Use-cases, Implementation

Brand Assets

Visual Identity, Brand Imagery, Brand Position

Marketing Model

Features, Advantages & Benefits – FAB model

EventPlus is an event management platform, bringing real-life digital experience to physical, virtual and hybrid events. The beauty of EventPlus is that it converts passive experiences into active participation, and participation into engagement.

Business Requirement

The business wanted to re-create the web platform – to cater to multiple modes of event consumption and to re-position the business in line with the digital proliferation. A new business narrative was sought to be established and this required revamping the digital content and online design, with prominence to the technical features and capabilities of the event platform.

Core Service – Event-tech

EventPlus is truly a state-of-the-art platform which can manage large, medium and small events, and is considered a versatile event-tech platform.
It is designed to bring personalized experiences to enjoy your favourite event online, with rich features and ease of configuration.

Our Content Marketing Goal

The content marketing strategy focused on presenting EventPlus as a multi-modal, multi-channel, multi-layered technology solution.. A uniform brand identity was developed encompassing branded content, visuals and imagery, technical language and nomenclature. Key marketing propositions included distinct features, versatility of the tech platform, and sophistication experienced in usage. Productization of content was important and it was decided to ensure uniformity and authenticity of content. Compelling and relevant content with engaging design interfaces was required for deeper customer engagement with the brand. Reputation management was important to preset the brand at the highest level.

Content Research and Content Creation

A disciplined approach was outlined for content research and content development – content assets focused on the product offerings, features and benefits of technology platform, as well as experience and usage drivers for the customer. The core textual content was generated through management interviews, product tour, studying product manuals, research and external information gathering. Visual identity and imagery was developed along with a brand library for stringent alignment. The web design and UX interfaces which formed the digital assets, were designed and developed in conjunction with the business team.

Marketing Model applied for Productization

Technology marketing is about presenting multi-dimensional propositions in a compelling, easy to understand, simple manner from the customer point of view. It has to resonate wth target groups including consumers, customers, intermediaries, agents, decision-makers and commercial audiences. Features-Advantages-Benefits (FAB) model was deployed in the content marketing strategy while productization was achieved with detailed drill-down of the granular features intrinsic to the solution. It was pitched as a no-code, ready to use, SaaS based B2B platform.

Promise - Experience the Event

An event technology for powerful event experiences. The core marketing proposition was highlighted with the tagline, especially in the backdrop of virtual events becoming the mainstay. The brand promise was clear and targeted, and the presentation sleek and sophisticated.

Product Marketing – Technology Branding

Technology meets marketing when the product-market-customer-positioning is a judicious fit. This calls for understanding product as consisting of many layers, with an intended fulfilment in each. Objective was to promote as enterprise-scale technology with class, user convenience and RoI.

Presenting Features & Benefits

The stand-out features like Break-out Rooms, Audience Response Tools, Business Match-making and Real-time Insights were duly promoted to enhance the event experience and deliver key messaging. This sought to engage online audiences with exclusive features

Short-form Blogs & Social Media Marketing

Short-form blog marketing was used to outline certain event types and the reason to choose the tech platform, to convince target audiences on the platform superiority. Social media marketing creatives dealt with the stand-out features and the accrued benefits, also providing brand awareness, visibility and reach.

New Website Launch

28 Dec 2022

Unveiling by

Liudmyla Glashchenko

Design Head - Sutra Consulting