Design Dialectics, Kolkata

Creating a design aggregator platform for young designers in the digital space.

In a nutshell


Design Dialectics


Design Practice





Conceptualisation & Servitization, Content Creation & Productization, Web Design & Development, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Ad Campaigns, Business Positioning

Content Assets

User-generated Content, Web & Social Content, Long-form & Short-form Content, Design Projects, Design Thinking Literature, Use-cases, Trending Post

Brand Assets

Business Logo, Design Identity, Visual Identity, Brand Imagery, Brand Positioning, Corporate Branding

Marketing Model

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Design Dialectics is a design movement, expanding the domains of design thinking and design philosophy. Design Dialectics is a way to look at the design discipline. It unfolds the roots of design and design education. Design Dialectics is the alchemy of designs from product, communication, interaction, brand, marketing and leadership.

Business Requirement

The enterprise requirement was a digital platform, which will serve as a an aggregator space to showcase design works and collaborate for design practices. Further the platform was sought to be popularized amongst young designers and enable user-generated content to scale up the growth. A digital community was sought to be built and managed with design thinking at the core.

Design Thinking

Design Dialectics brings together designers, design schools and design-focused corporations on one platform. They can showcase their own work, be inspired by others’ designs and collectively learn, grow and profit. Design Dialectics is an initiative to build creative capacities of students, faculty and professionals in design and design thinking and practice.
Design Dialectics Digital Platform for Designers

Our Content Marketing Goal

The content marketing strategy aimed to position the enterprise as the ‘most sought after design platform’ among a niche target audience comprising of designers, design thinkers, design practitioners and design institutions. This necessitated the creation of a digital space to showcase the design works, and further promoting and managing that platform amongst the digital community using new-age media and digital marketing.

Content Research and Content Creation

This initiative was shaped and designed for digital media, to effect a niche position projecting design thinking and design philosophy. The domain was organized as distinct verticals and content assets created include product design, UX design, communication design and architecture.

Marketing Model applied for Productization

‘Hierarchy of Needs’ marketing model was deployed for online positioning, as the enterprise seeks to provide self-expression and freedom for design thinking to the designer community.

User-Generated Content

The digital platform showcases design works from aspiring, young designers to the design community at large. This enables a ‘brand voice’ for the design enthusiasts and delivers sharp reach and visibility for the designer, to a niche industry group.

Social Media Marketing & Ad Campaigns

Digital marketing included social media marketing on the popular platforms. The focus was on design as an integral part of management, planning, marketing and process flow. Paid social media campaigns were carried out on facebook and LinkedIn. Social media marketing delivered reach and awareness, as well as shaping of a distinct brand identity. The unique LTYD campaign and the post was rated as a trending post on LinkedIn.

e-Mail Marketing

e-Mail marketing was carried out to connect with design institutions and communicate to them on the new-age digital platform. This activity included database collection, creative development, mailing and analytics; all designer to appeal and engage the prospect.

Brand Logo

Brand logo was created with a touch of aesthetics, class and modernity. The elegant logo was created to represent the diversity and distinct fields of associations, with the brand elements deployed in a consistent manner.

New Website Launch

28 Dec 2022

Unveiling by

Liudmyla Glashchenko

Design Head - Sutra Consulting