Digityze360, Dubai

Creating digital presence and brand identity for the automation governance platform.

In a nutshell


Canopus RPA Consultants


Automation & Project Management






Brand identity, Content creation, Content productization, Website design

Content Assets

Automation Governor, Solution features, Use-cases, Implementation

Brand Assets

Brand position, Logo design, Tagline, Visual Identity, Brand imagery

Marketing Model

Features, Advantages & Benefits – FAB model

Automation is fast embracing all industries, adding value in terms of unlocking productivity and managing complex, laborious tasks efficiently. The growing space of smart gadgets, internet of things and industry 4.0 is further facilitating this sphere. Projects involving automation and associated technologies are complicated and long-drawn with a multitude of tasks and processes to be mapped, organized and transformed.

Business Requirement

The business wanted to create a digital platform – a business website for Digityze360 – to generate online business discovery and to provide information about the technology solution.

Core Product – Digityze360

Digityze360 is a project governance solution in automation space. It is an all visible platform for end to end automation project management, which facilitates the digital transformation journey quickly and effectively. This solution is best suited to manage and deliver complex automation projects in large enterprises.
Technology Platform Marketing ByGeorge Content Solutions

Our Content Marketing Goal

The content marketing strategy focused on presenting Digityze360 as a multi-layered technology solution with diverse capabilities. A uniform brand identity was developed encompassing branded content, visuals and imagery, technical language and nomenclature. Key business propositions were identified and presented, including the granular technological features – making it relatable and contextual for the prospective audiences.

Content Research and Content Creation

Content research and content development was conducted in a rigorous and systematic manner. Textual content was generated through management interviews, studying product manuals, research and external information gathering. This was greatly aided by multiple interactions with the founder and business head, based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Visual content including product flows and infographics was developed. The research included requirements, presentation of the solution, features & benefits, use-cases, implementation steps.

Marketing Model applied for Productization

Automation project tracker is a technology platform and a multi-functional solution, pitched as a SaaS based B2B platform. The online business discovery is greatly enhanced by a two-fold approach ; presenting the business benefits to the decision-makers, as well as explaining the features and technologies to the automation experts or project managers. The Feature-Advantage-Benefit (FAB) model was applied in content marketing, being a techno-operations solution.

Coining the term ‘Automation Governor’

A sharp promise emanates when the brand is personable, triggering an emotional reaction in the minds of the prospect. Keeping this in mind, the project tracker was projected as ‘Automation Governor’, thus adding concreteness to an abstract solution and making it easy for registering the proposition.

Presenting Features & Benefits

An end-to-end project governance tool with in-built creation, control and tracking features, Digityze360 solution facilitates clinical deployment of automation projects to deliver the RoI. It is a customizable governance solution for key automation projects, to aid project leaders.

Brand Identity Creation – Business Logo

The brand assets created include a powerful business logo and other brand identity elements. The logo symbolises the digital transformation journey of enterprises, powered with The Digityze360 – The Automation Governor. The blue colour at the start denotes the willingness of the enterprise, to embrace change and adopt automation led business transformation. The middle white reflects the stringent, impeccable processes followed during the automation project. The blue tunnel represents the transformative effect delivered by CanopusRPA Consultants. The dark blue at the end signifies a better, fortified, automated business process. The sharp, linear letters change to rounded figures towards the end, symbolising refinement; a final rounded solution with Digityze360 Automation Governor.

Content Marketing on Digital

Planned activities include long-from blog marketing to espouse technical features and search engine optimization activities to enhance domain authority. Social media marketing campaigns to be primarily on LinkedIn for business discovery and LinkedIn advertising for B2B lead generation. Targetted digital marketing outreach to begin post the technical updation and release of the latest version.

New Website Launch

28 Dec 2022

Unveiling by

Liudmyla Glashchenko

Design Head - Sutra Consulting