Executive decision making series | Sam Pitroda – a call for the nation

Executive Decision Making | ByGeorge You Got It Among the great technocrats who made the world a better place, Sam Pitroda stands tall and incomparable having ushered in the grand telecom revolution in our country. His vision and execution stands unparallelled, and our telecom success story owes so much to him, his remarkable leadership, and […]

Executive decision making series | Martin Crowe – maximizer supreme

ByGeorge You Got It

Executive Decision Making | ByGeorge You Got It Martin Crowe put all his cricketing wisdom and brilliance into the 1992 world cup format. He developed a crafty strategy fully designed to capitalize on the positional advantage in home turf. Yet his real greatness lay in further calibrating that strategy in tune with the fast-evolving ODI […]

New Website Launch

28 Dec 2022

Unveiling by

Liudmyla Glashchenko

Design Head - Sutra Consulting