Content Marketing using New-age Media | Opportunities & Possibilities

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New-age media stands for digital media which is interactive, includes 2-way communication and necessitates some form of computing. It is an electronic-based interactive media and is based on communication technologies that enable or facilitate user-to-user interactivity and interactivity between user and information.

Characteristics of New-age Media

The new-age media presents certain unique characteristics and modalities which make it what is is and sets it apart distinctively from legacy media.

  • Digital – Uses data and real-time information, and presents multiple content running on technological convergence
  • Interactive – As this facilitates 2-way communication, both in active and passive forms, creating a distinct set of prosumers of content
  • Hyper-textual – As it operates in a non-liner format, with personalization of content being a key feature and differentiator
  • Virtual – Creating a world of its own which can be often unreal and surreal, with amplification of content and powers of propagation
  • Networked – Runs on global networks with a high connectedness content and digital assets, leveraging the collective intelligence and pooling if information
  • Simulated – Builds an environment which is experience-driven and high on production, dissemination and consumption of content
  • Measurable – Content Analytics helps to know the reach of postings and can indicate quality of traffic, segmentation and demographics

Key Differences between New-media and Legacy Media

Legacy MediaNew-age Media
Time-consuming production & distributionQuick and instant production & distribution
Fixed product/pushFlexible product/pull
Linear consumptionNon-linear consumption
Single platform, cannot be combinedMulti-platform, hybrid content
Restricted and regulatedOpen
Limited geographyGlobal reach

Content as a Driver of New-media

The emergence of dynamic content and real-time updates has ensured round the clock production, distribution and consumption of content. This has led to prolific content generation across digital platforms. Technically new-media content is based on pull, as the content pulls relevant traffic to the media vehicle. Customer can seek out information via search and land on the relevant page. The specificity of the search and the personalization associated with the profile allows for niche content to be accessed, which is both a novel and exciting experience from conventional usage. This has led to far-reaching democratization in this space, both as a content contributor and content receiver.

Meanwhile fore-sighted conventional media has smartly made content available in web versions, thereby staying relevant and accessible.

FCB Grid & Informative Power

Long-form content marketing typically appeals to the ‘informative Quadrant’ as given in below FCB Matrix, this segment exhibits high involvement and information processing, necessitating supporting content which is of high-quality and engaging.

Developing a Content Marketing Strategy

Here are some pointers and stepping stones which can be availed to design and further augment your content marketing on new-media tools and channels. These guidelines can lead to the creation of authentic, original and hi-value content, which is durable and impactful.

  • Define the content marketing goals
  • Understand the audience
  • Identify buyer’s journey and the buyer’s stage for appropriate content
  • Leverage diverse content types and distribution modes
  • Give information what customer is seeking
  • Invest in evergreen content which is well researched, informative, hi-quality
  • Incorporate STEPPS  Model – Social Currency, Triggers, Emotions, Practical Value, Public & Stories

Use-case in B2C Fashion Brand

Webpages feature functional info specific to the product

Comprehensive product info and display showcasing design intricacies

Classified news items grouped under news listings

About the Author

Jimmy George is a seasoned marketer and brand builder with more than two decades of experience in product marketing, with expertise in content marketing and digital customer acquisitions. He is the Business Head and Managing Partner of ByGeorge Content Solutions, a content-design-marketing firm. He can be reached at

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