Executive decision making series | Vivek Paul – the growth manager

ByGeorge You Got It
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Executive Decision Making | ByGeorge You Got It

Vivek Paul as the Vice-Chairman of Wipro, or more definitively as a quintessential growth manager, brought a world-class spirt and operational excellence to Wipro, catapulting it to the frontiers of the IT space in the early years of the 21st century.

Under his watch, the sales of Wipro grew 10 times in 6 years, the fastest growing IT company maintaining a clear lead with competition.

As business head Vivek Paul invested in clear processes, that would ensure efficiency in internal operations, and more importantly quick scalability. He developed a global mindset in the team, enabling an external customer focus and understanding of client’s business context. As a change-agent, he instilled a shift in attitudes with a focus on the present. Under his watch, the sales of Wipro grew 10 times in 6 years, the fastest growing IT company maintaining a clear lead with competition.

The true test of any business leader is the shareholder value created and Vivek Paul was mighty successful in transforming a $150 million company in 1999, into a $1.87 billion business by 2005, one among the top global IT firms high up in the value chain. No wonder, Vivek Paul was named as one of the best managers of 2003 by BusinessWeek. He provided the global face for Indian IT industry and was its poster boy.

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