Executive decision making series |  Sergio Zyman – the first CMO ever

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Executive Decision Making | ByGeorge You Got It

Sergio Zyman is the revolutionary, and sometimes controversial, marketer famous for his multiple executive stints at Coca-Cola. Infact he is credited as the very first chief marketing officer, not just in Coca-Cola, but in any company.

“If you don’t keep giving customers reasons to buy from you, they won’t.” Sergio Zyman

A reformist thinker and change agent, he was instrumental in shaking up the status quo at Coke, reformulating the product and reconceptualising the marketing strategy. Regardless of the setbacks, he acted decisively to retain the old and re-market it as classic – an unparallelled feat in marketing folklore. The expert positioning on attributes and attitudes, ensured the branded portfolio continues as a powerful earning generator, in an intensely competitive sector. On the numbers front, the annual worldwide sales volume jumped from 9 billion to 15 billion cases.

“If you don’t keep giving customers reasons to buy from you, they won’t.” This quote from Zyman essentially sums up his product marketing and communication philosophy.

New Website Launch

28 Dec 2022

Unveiling by

Liudmyla Glashchenko

Design Head - Sutra Consulting